Locksmith Services
in Northwest Calgary
Calgary Rekey Lockworks offers a variety of commercial and residential locksmith solutions to help customers ensure the security and safety of their offices, store locations, and homes in Northwest Calgary.
Locksmith Calgary NW Services
Calgary ReKey Lockworks’ commercial locksmith services in Calgary offer everything needed to protect your business. Commercial buildings have a lot of traffic at the door and are targeted for crime more often than anywhere else. Commercial buildings need special hardware that can endure a greater amount of wear and tear, and are designed for greater resistance to attack and damage. Calgary ReKey Lockworks offers a wide range of products and services for our commercial residential clientele.
Experience has told us that a great deal of corporate theft is internally generated. Help fight internal theft by upgrading your business to high-security locks with exclusive keyways. An exclusive keyway means that no one but you can make keys to your business.
We are fully licensed as registered Locksmiths listed for the province of Alberta and are able to present the proper identification to prove the proper licensing. Ask to see a lock "PICK" license and make sure the name and photo match the person stating they are a locksmith and that the Expiry Date has not been exceeded (the licence must be renewed every two years).

To see the provincial requirements to be designated a "Professional Locksmith" you can see that information here.
Our list of local services includes:
Northwest Calgary Zip Codes:
- T2K
- T2N
- T3G
- T3R
- T2L
- T3A
- T3K
- T2M
- T3B
- T3L
Considered to be among the largest of the four quadrants, the Northwest Calgary quadrant is an expansive district populated with residential neighborhoods and modern suburbs, as well as ample green spaces.
Residents here can enjoy the sprawling Nose Hill Park, which features grassy trails, off-leash dog areas, magnificent views of the Rocky Mountains, and plenty of opportunity for wildlife sightings, small mammals in particular. Nose Hill Park is one of the largest urban parks in Canada, covering over 11 square kilometers.
Additional parkland can be found alongside the prominent Bow River. Bowness Park includes a lagoon, which has become a popular spot for boating in the summer as well as ice-skating in winter. The area is also home to a number of shopping malls.
In addition to all its recreational opportunities and retail options, Northwest Calgary is also the location of one of Canada's top research universities, the University of Calgary. The campus spans over 530 acres and houses 250,000 undergrads and 5,000 grad students. Most of its buildings were constructed between the 1960s and 1980s, and feature Brutalist and Postmodern architecture.
The Northwest quadrant is generally defined as west of the combination of Centre Street/Harvest Hills Boulevard, and north of a combination of the Bow River, Sarcee Trail, and Highway 1.
Northwest Calgary consists of about 40 to 50 distinct residential neighborhoods. Tuscany was established in 1994, and its location on a plateau provides breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains as well as the cityscape. Arbour Lake is still in development but is expected to eventually be home to about 11,000 residents.
Northwest Calgary is known for its expansive recreational opportunities and greenspace, due in large part to Nose Hill Park, as well as the number of other parks dotting the area, particularly along Bow River. Many of its neighborhoods offer commercial and retail districts that enable residents the convenience of having necessities close at hand.

Our Northwest Calgary service areas

Lock Repair
Our commercial locksmith in Calgary can repair or replace any broken door lock. Your business has a lot of traffic—that means a lot of wear for your doors and door locks.
Our technicians have expert knowledge on how to repair your door hardware, because they take specialized repair and service seminars for commercial lock hardware.
Services we offer include: door pivot and hinge replacement, lock servicing, master keying, lock re-keying, door closer installation and repair, exit device repair and installation, door prep and new lock installation, along with prompt lockout service.

Our Commercial-Grade Hardware
- Full line of panic hardware, high-grade lock and passage sets
- Automatic operation (handicapped systems)
- Door closer systems
- Access control systems
- Master-key systems
- High-security products by Medeco-Lock, ASSA, and Schlage Primus
- Panic hardware by Von Duprin
- Access control products
- Complete product lines by Yale, Sargent, and Adams-Rite
- Samples of manufacturer’s products available

Security Locks

Master Keys
How secure is your place of business?
Calgary ReKey Lockworks offers on-site security profiling for your commercial business. We can help you ensure that your security will always be working at the highest level. Make your business tougher than Fort Knox! Call Calgary ReKey Lockworks’ commercial specialists today. Our commitment to your satisfaction is unmatched, and we have everything you need for your commercial security solution. Check our A+ rating at the Better Business Bureau.