Remove a broken key from a lock

Can a Locksmith Make a New Key from a Broken Key?

Are you stuck with a broken key in your hand, wondering what to do next? Well, worry not because a locksmith can make a new key from a broken key. A locksmith is a skilled professional who can cut a new key from the broken one, saving you the cost of replacing the entire lock. In this article, we will discuss how a locksmith can make a new key from a broken key and answer some frequently asked questions related to this topic.

Broken Key

The Process of Making a New Key from a Broken Key

The process of making a new key from one that is broken is called key extraction. It involves removing the broken one from the lock, creating a mold of the key, and cutting a new key based on the mold. Here’s how a locksmith can make a new key:

Step 1: Removing the Broken Key

The first step is to remove the broken key from the lock. A locksmith will use specialized tools to extract the broken key without damaging the lock. The tools used depend on the type of lock and the key’s position in the lock. Once the key is removed, the locksmith will examine the lock to make sure it is not damaged.

Step 2: Creating a Mold of the Key

The next step is to create a mold of the broken key. The locksmith will use a mold-making material, such as clay or putty, to take an impression of the key. The mold will be used to create a new key that matches the original.

Step 3: Cutting a New Key

Using the mold as a guide, the locksmith will cut a new key that matches the original. The new key will be tested in the lock to make sure it works correctly.

Benefits of Getting a New Key Made from a Broken One

Getting a new key made from a broken key has several benefits, including:


Getting a new key made from a broken key is much cheaper than replacing the entire lock. A locksmith can make a new key for a fraction of the cost of a new lock.

Saves Time

Replacing a lock can be time-consuming, especially if the lock is complex or hard to find. Getting a new key made from a broken key is a quick and efficient solution that saves time.

Prevents Damage to the Lock

When you try to remove a damaged key from a lock yourself, you can damage the lock. Hiring a locksmith to make a new key from a broken key prevents damage to the lock and ensures that it continues to function correctly.

FAQs about Making a New Key from a Broken Key

Q1. Can a locksmith make a new key from any broken one?

A locksmith can make a new key from most broken ones. However, some keys may be too damaged or complex to make a new key. In such cases, the locksmith may recommend replacing the lock.

Q2. How long does it take to make a new key from a broken one?

The time it takes to make a new key from a broken key depends on the type of lock and the complexity of the key. However, most locksmiths can make a new key within a few hours.

Q3. Is it possible to make a new key from a broken car key?

Yes, a locksmith can make a new car key from a broken one. The locksmith will need to use specialized tools to extract the broken one from the ignition and create a new key.

Q4. How much does it cost to make a new key from a broken one?

The cost of making a new key from a broken one varies depending on the type of key and lock. However, it is generally much cheaper than replacing the entire lock. Contact a locksmith to get an accurate estimate of the cost.

Q5. Can I make a new key from a broken key myself?

It is not recommended to make a new key from a broken key yourself, as it requires specialized tools and expertise. Attempting to make a new key yourself can also damage the lock.

Q6. What should I do if my key breaks in the lock?

If your key breaks in the lock, do not try to remove it yourself. Call Calgary Rekey Lockworks to remove the broken key and make a new key if necessary.


If you have a broken key, do not panic. A locksmith can make a new key from a broken key, saving you time and money. The process involves removing the broken key, creating a mold of the key, and cutting a new key based on the mold. A new key made from a broken key is also a cost-effective and efficient solution. However, it is essential to hire a professional locksmith to ensure that the job is done correctly and prevent damage to the lock. Calgary Rekey Lockworks has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.

Remember, attempting to remove a broken key or make a new key yourself can lead to further damage, costing you more in the long run. So, always call a professional locksmith to handle your key-related issues.