In Canada, we are very familiar with the community, or Canada Post, mailboxes. They are used in most residential areas across the country, including Alberta. Should you require a duplicate key for your community (Canada Post) mailbox, your local Calgary locksmith can make you an additional key. If you have lost your keys to the mailbox, however, you must contact Canada Post. A local locksmith cannot assist with this.
But don’t worry, there are other types of mailboxes in use that your trusted local locksmith can help with. Consider, For example, consider the type of mailboxes used in condominiums or apartment blocks. A similar type is often also used in commercial buildings where there are multiple offices / or businesses. These wall-mounted mailboxes are in common use.
This type of mailbox can have many owners before you get to acquire it. Who else still has a key? Has it been tampered with? Consider these security issues. The Calgary Rekey Lockworks website has great advice for anyone using these wall-mounted mailboxes, whether for residential or commercial purposes.
“When people think about break-ins, they think about a front door being smashed in and their property being stolen. But, we rarely think about just how vulnerable our mailboxes are to crime as well. Protecting your mailbox is just as important as protecting your property.” – Len Hardie, Owner of Calgary Rekey Lockworks
Identity theft is a real thing and a real problem. Don’t put yourself in a position where this identity theft is possible. The professional team at Calgary Rekey Lockworks can change the locks and provide you with new keys. The best part? It only takes fifteen minutes.
If your building mailbox – whether residential or commercial – is not brand new, call your local Calgary trusted and experienced locksmith now. Securing your mailbox will give you peace of mind. Contact Calgary Rekey Lockworks, contact us at 403.202.7656.